Thursday, October 30, 2008

Player Centered...

Lots of chatter about player centered coaching going on within rugby circles at the national level. You go to a USAR coaching development program event and you will be undoubtedly inundated with player centered coaching techniques and tips. Indeed, we are all about inspiring America to fall in love with rugby.

SMAC has embraced that concept and a proposal will be delivered to the high school conference at its organizational meeting on November 06. However, SMAC has a desire to take it one step further. If our coaches are player centered, should our administration also be? So, a proposal is on the table for SMAC to provide an accidental medical policy to each participating high school and middle school participant in the league plus also comprehensive liability coverage to all volunteers (including coaches, referees and administrators). Now, every kid in East Tennessee can play rugby because every kid will have insurance for any rugby related injury (practice and game injuries).

Instead of inspiring only independently medically insured Americans to fall in love with rugby, why not focus on leaving no child behind and lets get every kid that wants to play on the field?

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